I posted this on my Instagram yesterday and I was met with an overwhelming of requests for the patterns. I'm so happy to see how many people were willing to chip in. It is so easy to stress in these uncertain time so it's nice to be able to feel like something is being done, even if it is small! For easier access, I have put all of my resources in one place.
This project is easy and basic sewing skills are needed. I found the original pattern on the Craft Passion blog which has a great tutorial to follow along. My edits to the pattern were to cover the face more and be a universal size for adults. My pattern can be downloaded here.
I'm currently using antimicrobial fabric treated with Silvadour and Coolmax. It is also hydrophobic. This material can be purchased from another small business based in Pennsylvania, Wazoodle Fabric. They even have an entire section on their website dedicated to materials for a face mask. As for the nose part, I used basic jewellery wire that can be found at your local craft store. I got mine from Joann Fabric Store. For a mask to be effective it really needs to be close to the face. That is why my elastic goes around the head versus behind the ears. The fit of the mask is much closer to the face this way and it is much more comfortable to wear!
Now that you have the face mask made, where do they go? The #findthemasks was used by healthcare workers looking for masks on Twitter. Some helpful volunteers came together and threw up a website in the same name, FindTheMasks.com. The site lists each hospital's address, contact information and what they can accept/need. For example, some places are able to accept open boxes and others aren't. When in doubt, just reach out and ask!
In the meantime, I'll be updating this blog with my progress. If you have any questions feel free to reach out. I can't wait to see how it all turns out! Stay safe everyone, xx.
Step by Step Instructions
Antibacterial fabric (1 yard can make 15 masks lined)
Elastic (15 inches used for each mask)
Wire Cutter
How to Sew the Face Mask
First wash your fabric. Its especially important if you are planning on donating it and sanitize your work area as much as possible.
Print the pattern and cut it out of the fabric of your choice. In the end you should have 2 pieces for your facing fabric and 2 for your lining fabric.
With right sides together, sew the curved side. This will make the center seam for your mask. Do this both to the facing fabric and the lining fabric.
Push the seam allowance of the mask to one side and top stitch it from the right side. Again, do this both to the facing fabric and the lining fabric.
Then fold over the edges of your mask and sew down to finish the sides. I did not serge my edges because I'm using a knit fabric that does not fray. If you are using cotton or any fabric that does fray, do a rolled hem or serge the edges before turning it over.
Put the two pieces of the mask together. The right sides should be facing each other, then line it up at the top of the center seam. The top of the mask is more curved than the bottom.The edges of the mask should also match. Sew the top of the mask.
Now open the mask up and turn it so the wrong sides are facing each other. Cut 4.5 inch of wire for your nose piece and put it as close to the top seam as possible on top of the seam allowance. Center the wire using the center seam of the mask as a guide.
Sandwich that wire between the two layers and top stitch the layers together from the right side. Take care not to sew over the wire. Your needle will break!
Then I stay stitched near the edges of the wire to keep it from moving.
Then turn the mask once again with the right sides facing each other and sew the bottom of the mask. Turn it inside out so that the seam is on the inside. Top stitch the bottom of the mask.
Sew down the elastic, going over it several times at the four corners of the mask. The elastic will be going horizontal across the mask instead of vertical for ear loops. The mask fits much closer to the face this way.
Now you have a face mask that is lined so a filter could be put in! I took the time to wash my finished masks and package them individually before donating. You can also put them in a ziplock bag.
See how many you can make and donate them to one of the many hospitals/clinics that need them!