Pattern making can easily be overwhelming but it doesn't have to be! The most important thing to have is the motivation and patience because trust me it's not always going to turn out how you expected it to be. Below I've listed the supplies to get you started without breaking the bank! These items you can get at your local craft store or Amazon Prime, we do get a small referral percentage from these links!
1. Patternmaking for Fashion Design Book Free
This is by far one of the best book I have had for pattern-making. It breaks down all the steps needed to create your slopers and will even walk you through how to manipulate your patter. Download it for free at this link.
2. Measuring Tape $4.99
This is something you most likely already have or if you don't be ready to somehow accumulate more than you ever need because this is an item that tends to go missing only to be found again later, usually after you have already purchased a new one. This is a good item to have around to double check length of seams and to measure yourself with.
3. Blue Clear Grid Ruler $9.92
This is one of two rulers I use religiously for pattern making. A big part of drafting is being able to make right angles to make sure your lines are straight. The clear ruler allows you to easily see that, as well as help you quickly add your seam allowances. I prefer this clear ruler over most others because the half inch mark is clearly defined.
4. Red Clear Grid Ruler $3.38
This is an even cheaper alternative to the Blue Clear Grid Ruler. It still has all the increments uniformly. It just doesn't have that defined half inch mark.
5. Curved Ruler $6.99
This ruler is really good for armcye drawings which is your armhole and necklines. I'll even use the longer side for a hip curve.
6. Kraft Paper $13.49
I like to use recycled Kraft paper for patternmaking. The paper is thick and doesn't tear easily and comes on rolls for easier storage. You'll be using lots of paper and for only $13, you'll get 150 ft of paper!
Depending on what you did decide to purchase and where you can easily start your pattern making kit for less than $40.00. Can't wait to see what you will create!